It's offical now. Sergei Fedorov has re-signed with the Washington Capitals. 1 year 4 million per year.
I don't mind the signing. It's only 1 year, and we'll still be able to re-sign everybody so It's all good. Feds brought a lot to this team, more than any of us know. He's going to have a big impact on Semin.
Also, Sorry for not updating the blog during the busy July 1 day. I've been on vacation for the past 2 weeks and didn't have time to update.
He'll provide the veteran leadership for the Young Guns, exactly what they need to win another Southeast Division!
Yep. Feds brings a lot of leadership, and with Kolzig not coming back next year we really needed a veteran leader in the locker room and that's what Feds brings.
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