Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Brooks Laich reaction to Steriods report

Brooks Laich is the NHL Players' Association representative for the Caps. He just got off the phone with Tarik, and here's the link. There's some interesting things in there.

Q: Do you have any idea what the suspect in the steroids case is talking about?
A: I have no idea. As far we know it's just speculation. The guy didn't say if it was 10 years ago that he sold to the Capitals. Whether it was five ago that he sold. We have no idea. I've already been in touch with all of our players, and there's nothing on our side to report.

Q: People always say that steroids are not prevalent in hockey. Do you buy that?
A: I can honestly say, I have never seen a trace of steroids, from bantam to midget to junior to here. I have never heard of a guy take a steroid, and I've never seen a guy take a steroid.

If someone was doing it, he would come in at the end of the summer looking huge. And you would have already written a story about it, 'Jeez, he looks great. Look how big and fast he is.' But by midseason, he would have shrunk down again because we have testing. There hasn't been any of that. So as far as I'm concerned, it's just a rumor and it doesn't concern any of our present guys.

I'm going to side with Brooks on this one and say no Caps players have been on steroids. It's just a guy trying to get publicity for himself. I'll have more updates as they come along.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I would trust Brooksy over some random stranger from the panhandle state. Why would hockey players need steroids anyways? The only sports you really need steroids for are baseball and football.

Nice to see good ol' Laichey's reactions. Wonder what Ovie and Backie think...

B19 said...

I've updated the blog with the official statements from the NHL and Washington Capitals.

I definitely don't think anything is going on in the Caps locker room. Like Brooksy said, somebody from 10 years ago could have bought steroids from him.